Sunday, March 22, 2009

The 18th Annual Red Cross Ball at Prestonwood Country Club in Cary

Mr Barry Porter, Executive Director of the Triangle ARC, hamming it up with the NASCAR manequin.

Silent auction items, including a Harley Davidson leather jacket.

A standing ovation for Mr. Ray Price, who received the humanitarian award.

Mr. Ray Price receiving his award.

A mural of Cafe du Monde by Matthew Mahler

A mural of St. Louis Cathedral by Matthew Mahler.

The 18th Annual Red Cross Ball was held at Prestonwood Country Club on Saturday, March 21, 2009.  The theme was "An Evening in the French Quarter".

The silent and premium auctions raised funds for the Triangle ARC.  The Vanilla Cake Band, a 9 piece assemblage, performed jazz and funk as a donation to the crowd.  As part of the evening's events, Mr. Ray Price received a humanitarian award for his service to the community.